Tomorrow is Thanksgiving and I will be cooking my very first turkey. Michael and I are having his Mom and Sister (Loren) and her Family over for Thanksgiving Dinner. Our modest dining room will hold 5 adults and 2 children. I have done extensive online research on turkey roasting. I chose a recipe from the Food Network website. For the main seasoning, I acquired 'Herbes de Provence' from the Albany Co-Op. Mike will be making the mashed potatoes and I will be preparing the frozen corn and Pillsbury crescent rolls (whoopty-do). I keep worrying that our turkey will turn out like the one in National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation. Oh dear.
I'm sure it will turn out fine. Just in case, I have plenty of beer and wine to numb the void. At least there will be Rice Krispies Treats for dessert (my fav!). Mike is very excited at the thought of leftover turkey and all the things we can make from it. For that reason, we got a large, 16 lb. bird. Good luck to everyone out there who is cooking - may your turkeys be moist and your families sane!