Thursday, July 31, 2008

My First Blog Post

Hello and welcome to my brand new blog. As this is my very first blog post, I will not inundate you with anything thought-provoking or controversial. I discovered blogs only a few short months ago when I became engaged. I stumbled upon countless wedding blogs and soon branched out to other subject blogs. I find blogging to be like a snow ball rolling faster and faster downhill and growing larger and larger. Enjoy!

1 comment:

mjddon said...

So, I hope I am the first commenter, seeing as how I am your aunt. I don't know a lot about blogs, I assume all can read the comments, yes?
I love the ring you had made from my grandmother's ring, but still have not seen it in person, can't wait to do so. I have marked the date of the wedding on my calendar. Seems like just your type of place to get married. Okay, that's all for now, will check the blog from time to time.
Aunt Mo